All possessions brought to school by your child must be labelled with his/her full name. I.e. School bag, hat, coats, jumpers, lunch boxes, drink bottles, etc. Please refresh labels regularly.
Art smocks
Parents are asked to send in some type of protective clothing for their children to wear during art and craft lessons. E.g. old shirt.
- Your child is required to have his/her own coloured pencils, lead pencils (HB preferably), eraser in a labelled pencil case(primary only).
- plastic bag containing a change of clothes, in case of accidents.
- Recess - fruit or snacks, water bottle
- lunch - Sandwiches, piece of fruit and a drink (water or fruit juice).
- orders - Students have the option of having a lunch order on Mondays. The orders and money must be in by Friday. Please notify if your child is absent after ordering or if a long standing order is cancelled.
We are encouraging the children to eat healthy food. The children will be seated until they finish eating, then they can play. A healthy balanced lunchbox is essential for good learning at school.
Sending Money to school.
It is often necessary to send in money for excursion, performances etc. The permission note and an envelope will be sent home with the school newsletter. We ask that you place the money and permission note in the envelope provided and send back the money to school as soon as possible. If paying by cheque, please make the cheque payable to Tallong Public School.
Absence from school
Children are required to bring in a note for any absence and this must contain a reason. The office has a supply of printed absence notes if required. Please inform the school directly if your child is going to be absent for three days or more.
Late arrival/Early leaving
If your child is late or need to leave early, a parent must sign in/out them. The sign in/out book is located in the office. Please complete and sign the white form and fill out the blue slip for your teacher.